Dear All, Greetings!
WE at the Government College of Education (IASE) have been striving hard to serve the society at large by providing it with professionally trained and committed teachers. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) continues its focus on quality culture of the institution in terms of quality initiatives, quality sustenance and quality enhancements. The IQAC reviews the teaching-learning process, ensures the integration of ICT and carries out Faculty development programmes to building the capacity of its faculty members. The IQAC collects feedback from its stake holders (Teachers, students, administrative staff and Alumni), the feedback thus collected is analysed and used for the progression of the institute. The IQAC has been instrumental in collaborating with institutions of academic excellence and repute at the national level and well as from the industry. The IQAC has signed functional MOUs with these collaborators and thus provided an opportunity to its faculty as well as the students for cross- fertilization of ideas, skill-building, orientation etc. The IQAC of the institute harnesses synergies from all available resources as well as ensures delivery of quality education to the students and simultaneously support the Professional growth of the faculty (Teaching and non-teaching). Our institution has remarkable capacity to adapt to emerging changes and challenges in the field of higher education taking place around the world. IQAC has evolved the mechanism to provide equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society. We assure all stakeholders- faculty members, administrative staff, students, parents,community and alumni that, we are committed to take our institute on the path of success with greater heights.
Best wishes

Dr. Malik Roshan Ara
Coordiantor IQAC
Initiation, Sustenance and Enhancement of Quality culture
To develop an ecosystem of quality culture within the institute.
To act as a driving force for bringing in transparency in all spheres of the institution.
To support and promote institutional best practices.
Striving for quality as a bench mark for all academic activities of the college.
Leveraging ICT in teaching, learning and evaluation.
Collection of feedback from different stakeholders, analysis of feedback and ensuring action taken/follow up.
Organization of webinar, seminars, FDPs, awareness programs, workshops.
Documentation of various activities and preparing academic/activity calendar leading to the quality improvement and accountability staff and students.
Academic auditing for development of quality culture in the college.
Acting as a nodal agency of the college for coordinating all quality activities and best practices.
Overlooking the execution of institutional best practices, especially Pedagogies.
Timely submission of AQARs.
Value Framework
Contributing to national development.
Fostering Global Competencies.
Inculcating value System.
Promoting the use of Technologies.